February 7, 2025 (Honolulu, HI) – We are excited about the launch of the Public Health Workforce Interest and Needs Survey (PH WINS) by the de Beaumont Foundation in the US-Affiliated Pacific Islands (USAPIs) that went live on February 3, 2025. This marks the first time PH WINS is being conducted in the USAPIs as a pilot, offering a unique opportunity to gather critical insights into the public health workforce across the region. The PH WINS in the Pacific is a joint partnership between the de Beaumont Foundation, PIHOA, and ASTHO, funded by the US CDC.

The PH WINS is being conducted in parallel to PIHOA’s USAPI Health Sector Workforce Enumeration Survey and Regional Health Workforce Dashboard project. When completed, data and information gathered by both efforts will provide a first-ever comprehensive and real-time view of the USAPI health workforce across all sectors and a range of critical workforce topics including workforce development gaps/needs, and recruitment and retention challenges, opportunities, and strategies.

In November 2024, at its 75th Executive Board Meeting in Pohnpei, FSM, PIHOA’s Governing Board of Directors discussed and endorsed the establishment of a USAPI Health Workforce Technical Working Group (TWG) that will spearhead regional dialogue on critical workforce development issues and is tasked to develop a regional priority action framework for USAPI health workforce development, financing, recruitment, and retention. The findings from both the PH WINS and the USAPI Health Sector Workforce Enumeration Survey will be invaluable in informing the work of the USAPI Health Workforce TWG.

Read the Full E-Blast here!