Performance Management and Quality Improvement
Effective quality assurance and improvement (QA/QI) programs are the foundation for effective patient care and public health program delivery, and will be playing, for example, an increasingly larger role in combating the epidemic of NCDs experienced in the USAPIs. QA/QI is also essential in the development, retention and performance management of the health workforce. For the USAPIs, this secondary role is critical. Since most health professional training occurs in-country and on the job, it is essential to have effective systems that promote best practices, provide feedback and benchmarks for professional development, set standards for cost-effective and efficient healthcare administrative and management functions, support quality patient care, and establish population-based performance measures against which health systems can assess impact on identified health outcomes over time.
Current Activities
PIHOA currently focuses its efforts on: 1) technical support to local hospitals, CHCs, and public health programs to conduct QA/QI training, strengthen QA/QI policies and procedures, and establish/expand QA/QI information systems/processes; 2) develop national/state-level Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and associated data collection, analysis and reporting processes; and 3) strengthen grants/fund resource management capacities, systems and processes, including developing systems to monitor fund utilization, and training on required US federal grants management systems (e.g. Payment Management System) and compiling/reconciling Federal Financial Reports (FFRs).
Contact Information
Dr. Gillian Dunn, MPH, DrPH
Health Information and Management Systems and Surveillance Coordinator
Telephone: 808-537-3131
Address: PIHOA Honolulu Office
733 Bishop St, Suite 1820