Expected participants
Ministers responsible for: Civil Registration, Planning, Justice, Health, Statistics, Finance and National ID systems, ICT or digitalization
- Led by the Regional Steering Group for CRVS to ensure a comprehensive and inclusive process
- Supported by ESCAP and other development partners. Confirmed co-organizers: Bloomberg Philanthropies, Centers for Disease Control (CDC, in collaboration with CDC Foundation), Child Rights Coalition Asia, Global Health Advocacy Incubator, IOM, Pacific Community, Plan International, Statistics Norway, UNDP, UNFPA, UNHCR, UNICEF, Vital Strategies, WHO, World Bank and World Vision.
- To celebrate the achievements of the CRVS Decade;
- Based on the 2025 review, to identify areas where further work is needed to achieve goals and targets of the 2014 Ministerial Declaration and the Regional Action Framework and the 2021 Ministerial Declaration;
- To formally extend the Decade to align with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development;
- To identify key actions and enhance commitment to ensure inclusive and resilient civil registration and vital statistics systems as a foundation for legal identity for all