Pacific Vector Network Meeting 2024

Guam Plaza Resort 1328 Pale San Vitores Rd, Tumon, Guam

Join representatives of 21 Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs) for the 1st Annual Meeting of the Pacific Vector Network under the Pacific Public Health Surveillance Network. Interact and share […]

75th PIHOA Executive Board Meeting

Pohnpei, FSM , United States

This meeting will bring together key senior and deputy health leadership from Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, American Samoa, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, the Republic […]

AMCA 91st Annual Meeting

Puerto Rico Convention Center 100 Convention Blvd, San Juan, Puerto Rico

Each year our annual meeting has a program designed to highlight the various research, collaborations, and innovations impacting our programs throughout the US.  Meeting in Puerto Rico will give our […]

Pacific Civil Registrars Network Meeting

Nadi , Fiji

A meeting of PCRN will be organised by the Pacific Community (SPC) and other partners with funding from Bloomberg Philanthropies. The objectives of the meeting are: 1. For civil registrars […]