Pan-Pacific Conference on Climate and Health: From Commitments to Action

Tanoa International Hotel Votualevu Road Nadi Airport, Nadi, Fiji

The Pacific Region is at the forefront of climate change impacts, facing severe challenges that threaten public health, food security, and infrastructure resilience. In response to these pressing issues, the Pan-Pacific Conference on Climate and Health (PPCCH) aims to unite multi-sector leaders and experts from Pacific Island Countries (PICs) and key international partners to turn […]

Pacific Basin Medical Association Conference

Palau Community College 8FVF+3MH, Koror, Palau

One Health | Tides of Change: Embracing One Health in the Pacific Medical Practice. This conference will explore the integration of Human, Environmental, and Animal Health concepts into patient care and community health across the Pacific Basin. It offers an excellent platform for participants to share knowledge, experiences, and best practices in these critical areas […]

75th PIHOA Executive Board Meeting

Pohnpei, FSM , United States

This meeting will bring together key senior and deputy health leadership from Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, American Samoa, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, the Republic of Palau, and the Federated States of Micronesia to discuss issues of regional significance and decide on critical priorities through official communiques, resolutions, and recommendations.